Summary of Student Achievement

Summer 2023 Results

Key Stage 4

Summer 2023 Results

Key Stage 4

Progress 8 (1): +0.47
Attainment 8 (2): 49.74
57% of students achieved grades 9–5 in both English and Maths
65% of students achieved grades 9–4 in both English and Maths
72% of students entered the English Baccalaureate (3) 23% of students achieved the EBACC with a strong pass

Key Stage 5 Summer 2023 Results

A Level

  • Average grade: D+
    •   Level 3 Value Added (4):-0.93

Applied general
•   Average grade: Merit=
•   Level 3 Value Added -0.18

Average progress made in English and Maths (5)

  • English: -0.13
    •   Maths: 0.07

(1) Progress 8: The difference between the achievement and the national expectations of students from their starting point
(2) Attainment 8: Attainment 8 is the students’ average achievement across their eight best subjects
(3) English Baccalaureate (EBACC): Entered for qualifications in English, maths, sciences, a language and either history or geography
(4) Level 3 Value Added (L3VA): The progress made between GCSE and A levels measured against national averages.
(5) the average improvement in English or Maths GCSE grade for sixth form students who had not previously achieved a C

Please visit this link to view the latest DfE published results, including pupil destinations, for state-funded schools.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.


Post-16 Destinations

The Students who left the school last year went on to continue their education, employment or training in a wide variety of colleges, sixth forms, apprenticeships and employers.

Click here for details.

Sixth Form Destinations

The Students who left our Sixth Form last year went on to continue their education, employment or training in a wide variety of universities, apprenticeships and employers.

Click here for details of destinations after leaving our Sixth Form.

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