Statement Against Racism 2022-23

Mulberry Academy Shoreditch is an inclusive school in a diverse and thriving community. We are proud to celebrate this diversity and champion equality.

As staff and students, we stand together against all forms of discrimination, including racism.

We recognise that racism is not always overt but also manifests in structural and systemic inequalities which we must confront and address.

In the academic year 2022-23, we are committed to actively seeking to identifying, addressing and removing barriers to progression for students and staff. We plan to do this by:
●      Supporting staff and students to have open conversations about racism
●      Working towards increasing the representation of ethnic minority staff within middle and senior leadership:

○      Ensuring all ethnic minority staff have access to career progression coaching
○      Analysis of HR data to ensure that ethnic minority staff have equal access to training and promotion, and are not disproportionately involved in grievances, disciplinaries or leaving education
○      Advertising job roles with diversity networks and through local community groups

●      Responding to staff, pupil and parent voice to shape the inclusion and diversity training we deliver around anti-racism
●      Continuing to decolonise the curriculum to ensure that diverse identities are positively represented
●      Building community cohesion between the diverse groups in our community
●      Reporting termly to governors about our actions in relation to diversity and inclusion, including anti-racism
●      Acting swiftly to address any incidents of discrimination

Anti-Racism Reading

You might not have time to read everything, but these books are a great place to start.

Race and anti-racism

White privilege and whiteness

Race and education

If you’ve got more time, or if you’ve already read the books above or want to gain a deeper understanding, have a look at:

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